Friday 6 July 2012


Violet here; dropping in.
I thought it was time to make some form of appearance on this blog - and there is clearly no better time than 1am on a Thursday night/Friday morning.

I guess I should mention how we had to move house or something like that... But yeah. More pressing issues: we finished watching Merlin tonight - having gone through all four seasons in probably under two months. Possibly less than that in fact - we're pretty busy, and time is so wibbly-wobbly it's hard to keep track.
Along with this, I personally am about to finish the 7th and most recent season of How I Met Your Mother - really this is too much TV mourning for me to do all in one night, I don't know how I'll cope.

Regardless, point was going to be I find it impressive how we the three of us manage to lead pretty damn hectic and full lives, but can finish four seasons of Merlin in a short amount of time.
Some people run marathons and climb mountains and discover Higgs Boson particles to prove anything's possible. We watch Merlin; and let it be known I would so never have it any other way.

This does, however, lead to the ever complicated task of finding a new series to start watching while we wait for the dozen we already do watch religiously to come off hiatus.. It's quite a challenge, all this. People think being a fan of various TV shows is so easy... alas; if only they realised our pains.

Anyway, that's my update from the family of fandom. (C'mon, it's winter. What else are we meant to do but watch TV? Ski? Actually...)
Night night~