Thursday 18 August 2011

I love my family because....

Things went a little tense last night - it was the big ISP swap from Orcon to Vodafone.  We needed to double our download or go bankrupt so the only option was to face the spaghetti box (otherwise known as the hub - where all the wire things stick out from all the port thingies).  Trouble is I didn't set it up - and I like knowing how things work, so this particular area of my home has been testing my OCD tendencies (ok so I have more than 'tendencies' but let's not get into that now!)

"Not a problem" thinks positive me, "just unplug the old router and replicate it in the new one". "Don't be so stupid" retorts negative me, "you know it won't work, it will be a major hassle, you'll end up feeling tense and having to ring for help".

I plug, I pray - the right screen pops up - nothing!  "Argh" says neg me, "told you so"......"No" pos me fights back "You can do this" a fair amount of swearing and beating of fists ensues; spaghetti strewn in slaughtered coils on the floor, scissors in hand (whose idea was it to put so many cable ties around these things?) Violet and Dash on hand for advice, to hold laptops, fetch cutting implements, put the washing on (well I still had housework to do and it was getting late) and basically to lend support as they always do.

"Ohhhh swallow your pride and make the call" says me, so I do, it works - I now know I am doing everything right, followed the correct steps, and it's STILL not working.  So what's a girl to do but try using her brain and the bit of knowledge she has - miracles, praying and screwing up of the face -and it works.

So what do the Incredibles do then?  Why we sit down and figure out a suitably sci-fi geeky name to call our wifi.......yep, that's us :D.....catastrophe avoided, internet back on, relief *sigh*

Wednesday 17 August 2011

What it's all about

This is about us - it's an online record of what we do, how we think, what our hopes are and the laughs we share.  It's about the thoughts that are sometimes best written about and the pictures that just have to be recalled. 

It is a record for the day when the tardis really does appear in the reserve next door and out steps the Doctor (oh please make it David Tennant - but really I will take any one of them!).

When we finally receive our owls to say we can go to Hogwarts and they are terribly sorry they are late (in my case - particularly late).

Because we are magical - we know it, so it's about time we remembered it :D